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Comments (6)

6 days ago

00.00 I go and sit in my car. I like my car because it makes me feel safe. I may move in.

0030 I go back to my house because I think someone is in there.

0045 False alarm! No one was in there. I reset my 20 locks and retreat to my car, maybe I'll call the police about abuse or write a blog post.

0300 Where did the time go? Did I sleep in my car? I barely have time to go inside and shout.

0345 Thank God I managed to shout. There was a chance my neighbours would have slept and thought I was normal

0500 Sleep for 12 hours because I dont have a job and being a weirdo is tiring.

1700 Oh boy! Time to be a cunt again


Aug 18

trying to think about the last time I had more than 4 hours sleep without Emem shouting!

And he's literally moaning about the torture of not sleeping more than 4 hours! What a joke

Get a job and stop screaming!

Sep 02
Replying to

he accused me of iflitrating his hose? then sent details about me to papers


Aug 14

I would strongly suggest that you do not disclose PII on this site as it is a breach of DPA. Your blogs/posts should be anonymous

Aug 16
Replying to

This "person" has literally uploaded audio of themselves arguing with themsleves, their doctors diagnosis of Schizophrenia and multiple pages listing details of "offenders" Including but not limited to: The Post Office, The Police, The Army, Social Services, NHS, You, me, Everyone he's ever met, including randoms that work in shops or just happen to use shops.

And you ask them to obey DPA?

This mong actually thinks people will read this and sympathise with them?

He doesnt work but shames the unempolyed. The police state he is a racist and he accuses people of racism. He admits to screaming but blogs about people being uncouth. Has no freinds but screams at people that no one likes them.

EMEM: Go suck a dick!


Aug 16
Replying to

Not to mention how proud he is of not taking his prescribed anti schizo drugs and his reports about how painful it was having to live with people that screamed because they heard voices, whilst he himself SCREAMS!

Oh pls, tell us how you contribute to society Emem? Tell us what a good Christian you are?

Maybe, just maybe try being kind to people and get over your psychosis. and people will like you.

Put love out and get love back


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